Brunei Environment Appreciation And Community Action (BEACA)

Done by Asri Hj Mohamad

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rimba Forest (Week 9)

On 4th October 2009(Sunday), Our mission for BEACA’s group were going to jungle trekking at Rimba Forests, Jalan Tungku Link, Brunei Muara district.This week(week 9), I volunteer to be sweeper for the group. Our group consists of Leader(Hj Irwan), sweeper (myself), our member were Nuh and Ayie.Purpose of experience to explore environment in our country, mentality and physically fit to go for adventure. I am using complete forests gear to make sure I am ready for our mission. Our group is the first group sign in to the forest. My jobs was helped my leader (Hj Irwan) to find right pathway and make sure our members not missing from the track.

Highlight for our activity, we were research and explore plants and animals from extinct.We must know that Brunei Darussalam also rich in flora and fauna. The most anxiety, the pathway or track was more complicated than before because the forest was thick although we put mark already on the day we recce the place(Monday – 5th Oct 2009).I think probably, longtime already nobody were entered to Rimba forests.

Abandoned Houses

There are two experience that surprise me. One was abandoned of empty house. I still wondering why many houses were not incomplete construction.Secondly, continue our jungle trekking without recce, I mean here, we continue our way different from the day we make recce.I really like it because more adventure and push me up to show how our credibility.


The three most important things that I have learnt:-

1. I know some of name for plants for example ‘sumbui-sumbui’, ‘kuduk-kuduk’, ‘simpur’ and others

2. Time is precious

3. Perseverance.We were working hard to sign in and sign out from the jungle.

Overall, I really enjoy this week activity because it more adventure than before . We show our responsibility as BEACA’s group.Keep on our good work friends. Ask ourself why we need to explore our beautiful environment??????

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