Brunei Environment Appreciation And Community Action (BEACA)

Done by Asri Hj Mohamad

Monday, October 26, 2009

Big Trees...Week 11 Jungle Trekking..Extreme!!

On 25 Oktober 2009, Sunday, again our BEACA's group need to got for jungle trekking at Mentiri, Brunei Muara Districts. This probably our last trekking for BEACA's group. For this trekking, I become secretary. My jobs to makesure all things are clear or done and also I need to make report for our activity.

My group consists Nazz(leader), Ziman(Sweeper), Sia Chia Yie(member), Hafiz(member) and myself. Our group was the last sign in to big trees forest. Firstly, we must climb high hill and on the way we up the hills we need to use ropes with already provided. So, again mentality and physically need to be ready. I really like with my group because we do teamwork along our way. As member I need to folllow our leader group. Some our path, we need to walk along steep Moreover into a forest, we see many big stones and big trees. We try to measure one of a big trees, we need to round a big trees by 11 people and put our hand together. Can you imagine how big was it!! The most wonderful I saw a beautiful waterfall. Many plants I encountered for example 'Tongkat Ali', ixora, 'Kelamunting', orchid, 'sumbui-sumbui' and others plants(which I need to research the name). I found fruits which I dunno the name but it hard likes stone.

Tongkat Ali

The three most important things I learnt from the experience were:-
  1. Brunei Darussalam have many very beautiful flora and fauna that we need to appreciate and conserve.
  2. All members in a group need to help each other.(Teamwork)
  3. Always commited and show up our leadership skills to build more confident in the future.
To sum up for all our jungle trekking, we need to be ready with everything tasks given. We need to put more effort to finish our walk. Focus and give inspired to ourself that we can do it!!!

"We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect." ~Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac


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