Brunei Environment Appreciation And Community Action (BEACA)

Done by Asri Hj Mohamad

Monday, October 26, 2009

Big Trees...Week 11 Jungle Trekking..Extreme!!

On 25 Oktober 2009, Sunday, again our BEACA's group need to got for jungle trekking at Mentiri, Brunei Muara Districts. This probably our last trekking for BEACA's group. For this trekking, I become secretary. My jobs to makesure all things are clear or done and also I need to make report for our activity.

My group consists Nazz(leader), Ziman(Sweeper), Sia Chia Yie(member), Hafiz(member) and myself. Our group was the last sign in to big trees forest. Firstly, we must climb high hill and on the way we up the hills we need to use ropes with already provided. So, again mentality and physically need to be ready. I really like with my group because we do teamwork along our way. As member I need to folllow our leader group. Some our path, we need to walk along steep Moreover into a forest, we see many big stones and big trees. We try to measure one of a big trees, we need to round a big trees by 11 people and put our hand together. Can you imagine how big was it!! The most wonderful I saw a beautiful waterfall. Many plants I encountered for example 'Tongkat Ali', ixora, 'Kelamunting', orchid, 'sumbui-sumbui' and others plants(which I need to research the name). I found fruits which I dunno the name but it hard likes stone.

Tongkat Ali

The three most important things I learnt from the experience were:-
  1. Brunei Darussalam have many very beautiful flora and fauna that we need to appreciate and conserve.
  2. All members in a group need to help each other.(Teamwork)
  3. Always commited and show up our leadership skills to build more confident in the future.
To sum up for all our jungle trekking, we need to be ready with everything tasks given. We need to put more effort to finish our walk. Focus and give inspired to ourself that we can do it!!!

"We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect." ~Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac


Motivational Talk by Polar Girl

On 23 October 2009, Friday, our BEACA's group are given opportunity to hear a motivational talk by Dk Najibah or Era that was held on the University Brunei Darussalam.The talk start around 10.30am to 12.00pm. I really enjoy to hear motivational talk from her.

Dk Najibah (POLAR GIRL) & Me

Do you know Dk Najibah or Era?????

The FIRST Brunei women to ski to the South Pole, Antartica. Era is quickly gaining the reputation as one of Brunei's leading explorers. Era, now a core member of BARA(Brunei Adventure Recreation Association.She will set to achieve this remarkable feat at the tender age of 26 years old during her adventure Kapersky Commonwealth Antartic Expedition with probably on January 2010 and also will be the youngest Bruneian to do so. She need to walk and skiing journey about 900km in 40 days

"The South Pole, also known as the Geographic South Pole or Terrestrial South Pole, is one of the two points where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects the surface. It is the southernmost point on the surface of the Earth and lies on the opposite side of the Earth from the North Pole. Situated on the continent of Antarctica, it is the site of the United States Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, which was established in 1956 and has been permanently staffed since that year. The Geographic South Pole should not be confused with the South Magnetic Pole."

REF: (Surf on 24 October 2009)

The South Pole is situated about 2,700 metres (9,ooo feet) above sea level and the winds flow from it over thousands of miles down to the coast. The winds pickk up speed along the way, and he colder air masses to form near-hurricane force winds that blow for days on end.

One aspect of the exprience that suprise me was Era told that we need to visualize and prove that we can reach our goals. Era is very independence girl which want to grab opportunity to go to South Pole with positive mission and vision.

The three most important things I learnt from the motivational talk are
  1. We need to go outside "comfort zone" and set up our goals in life to ensure our goals are achieve.
  2. The words 'JANJI MELAYU', we need to change our perspective. So we need to punctual for our promise. We need to change our habit.
  3. 'Leadership skills'we need to show off and be confident in everything we do. Don' t just talk but do it properly and professionally.

Lastly, I really enjoy to hear ERA motivational talks and also give motivate for me to put more effort to achieve my own goals. I hope she will achieve her dream and also good luck to her.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Week 10 - Jungle Trekking At Diplomatic Resident

On 18th October 2009(Sunday), Our activity for BEACA’s group were going to jungle trekking at Diplomatic Resident, Brunei Muara district.This week(week 10), my position as trek organizer and Hj Irwan as my partner. As trek organizer, we make sure that all volunteers for week 10 need to do their tasks given. On that day, I also become sweeper and my group leader is Malek, so I handle two position as trek organizer and sweeper. As usual sweeper need to help leader to find right pathway and makesure all members in our group not out tracks. Our group consists of Leader(Malek), sweeper (myself), our members were Kyeem and Azmey. Purpose of experience to explore environment in our country and reduce littering environment. Our group is the third group sign in to the forest.

Our highlight for activity to keep our environment clean and to see the unique of our county environment. We must know that Brunei Darussalam also rich in flora and fauna. The most anxiety, our group almost lost, because I confuse too many tracks and marks in the jungle. With the help by Dr Irene, she told me to find the right marks. So our leader manage to find the correct pathway.There are one experience that surprise me, I saw big ant nest stick on tree and big ‘pandan’ leaves.

Pandan leaf

Ant Nest

Learning aspects of the experience in term of business and economic for Brunei Darussalam, my suggestion we need to reserve our forests probably for researcher or attract tourism but we must keep it clean and beautiful. Makesure no one will damage flora and fauna in the forests. If many tourism come to our country and sure our economic will also growth.

Three most important things that I have learnt:-

1. We don’t just become as ‘follower’, we need to be confident with ourself.

2. To organize for one activity or function, we need to show our creativity, credibility and show off our leadership skills.

3. As one group, we need to help each other or teamwork.

My future behaviour after my experience were I need to help and work together to conserve our forests from extinct. For example, government and non government sector must collaborate for example make plan for project and motivational talks on how we conserve our forests. Government also need to highlight forest law for all people.

Last but not least, I learnt many things from our activity. I really enjoy with our jungle trekking because it was adventure and we also need to fit for our mentality and physically. Hope next activity more challenging and I want to learnt more exprience.

Dr Irene said that we learnt from our exprience and sometime exprience we learnt, we can't find it from the books.