Brunei Environment Appreciation And Community Action (BEACA)

Done by Asri Hj Mohamad

Monday, September 7, 2009

HOME Film....It's Too Late To Be A Pessimist"

I’m start with,

Sultan Says In Royal Birthday Titah On 15th July 2009

….“His Majesty also stated that Brunei as an energy producer must use the resources efficiently while preventing wastages.

The monarch believes that time has come for the government agencies to revamp their polices and put forward steps towards efficient use of energy.

One example stated by His Majesty is that every year the government agencies use $68 million worth of electricity and if this can be reduced by 10 per cent, the country can save up to $6.8 million every year.”….

Written by M K Anwar
(Surf On 8th September 2009)

How can you not agree on saving the planet?

Due to climate change, we must modify our lifestyle and take action every day to protect our beautiful country and planet.


A thoughtful and unbelievably beautiful film.

On 07th September 2009 was a public holiday in Brunei Darussalam, BEACA’s group are given one task. Our task were ask to watch HOME film (A film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand).

The film to inspire global action by raising awareness of our shared responsibility for the planet ,all of its inhabitants and takes us on an unique journey all around the planet. It awakens in us the awareness that is needed to change the way we see the world. Everyone should take part in the effort.

Global economic growth effect extinct treasure of the earth for example deforestation. However, country like Dubai has a few natural resources but oil production that rise economy of that country. The problems that our world faces, cannot be solved by any country alone.

Water consumption also increase as more products were produced.USA is the biggest consumers of water everyday. In western India, lack of water that causes lack of sanitation and will arise hunger.Probably, water shortage will effect 2 million people in 2025. So, we need to limit or reduce water consumption for our everyday life.

For me it is a little frustrating to watch. I cannot stop the rise in poor people and so on. The film doesn't say how the general public can make a difference, which I think might have made the film even better.

I liked that it at the end summed up the many threads it presented and also offered some solutions to the environmental problems.

Some Solutions:-

  1. Reduce your use of fossil fuels
  2. Protect native forests as "carbon storehouses"
  3. Help plant native trees in urban and deforested areas.

Home Film Synopsis

“In 200,000 years on Earth, humanity has upset the balance of the planet, established by nearly four billion years of evolution. The price to pay is high, but it is too late to be a pessimist: humanity has barely ten years to reverse the trend, become aware of the full extent of its spoliation of the Earth's riches and change its patterns of consumption.

We have a greater impact on the Earth than it can bear. We over-consume and are depleting the Earth's resources. From the air, it is easy to see the Earth's wounds. Home simply sets out our current situation, while saying that a solution exists.”

Reference (Synopsis)

(Surf on 08th September 2009)

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