Brunei Environment Appreciation And Community Action (BEACA)

Done by Asri Hj Mohamad

Monday, August 31, 2009


On Monday, 31th August 2009, Our BEACA's group activity were watching the Movie, Mountain Patrol: Kekexili at SHBIE 1.49, Universiti Brunei Darussalam.A film inspired by a people's remarkable mission surrounding the illegal Tibetan antelope poaching in the region of Kekexili, the largest animal reserve in China.

Before I start explain my experience about the movie, Do you know how many antelope species are there in our world?

Ans: There are about 90 species, most of which are native to Africa, in about 30 genera. The classification of tribes or subfamilies within bovidae is still a matter of debate, with several alternate systems proposed.

Tibetan Antelope

Tibetan Antelope

With the alias of Longhorn Antelope, it belongs to the Bovidae family of Artiodactyla order. Its scientific name is Pantholops hodgsoni (Latin), or Tibetan Antelope (English).

Its body length is about 135 centimeters, with a shoulder height of about 80 centimeters. Weighing up to 45 to 60 kilograms, it has sturdy body, with wide and long head and stout mouth. Its nasal part is wide and slightly ridgy. Its tail is short, and the four limbs are sturdy and symmetrical. Except for the cheek, underparts of the four limbs and tail, it is covered with bushy, soft and dense hair, making the body wholly hazel. It holds its head high when walking. Male antelope has a long, straight and shiny fuliginous horn, commonly 60 centimeters in length. The female antelope is hornless.




....."Brunei Darussalam became a party to CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) in 1990. The Department of Agriculture is the CITES Management Authority in Brunei Darussalam."

....."illegal and unsustainable harvest and trade of wildlife is a major threat to the conservation of nature throughout the region. Many species are sourced to supply demands around the globe for pets, meat, medicines, luxury goods and zoos."

.....“The workshop is timely as it coincides with needs for the implementation and enforcement of Brunei Darussalam’s recently enacted Wild Fauna & Flora Order 2007,” said Hajah Normah S.H. Jamil, Acting Director of the Department of Agriculture.


From my opinion, Brunei Darussalam also needs to overcome problems with cause extinct to endanger wild flora and fauna. We also give commitment and idea for the solution.

Back to Mountain Patrol:Kekexili Movie. i saw that condition of the area was cold, lack of water and lack of vegetation.About the infrastructure of Kekexili, hospital was too far and communication also difficult.Ritai is the leader of the vigilantes who, despite poverty and the lack of any government support, roam the land to protect the endangered Tibetan antelope from extinction.

I also see that the film was represent buddhist culture.
For example, a scene of a “sky burial” – the Tibetan custom of chopping up dead bodies and feeding the parts to vultures – is de rigueur for any film purporting to reveal the real Tibet.I also heard patrol people sing tradition song.The patrolmen bury 10,000 antelope a year. A prayer is said as they burn the remains with the same respect shown to one of their own. I also experience about the teamwork between Patrolmen.For example, when the truck was stuck on ice, they pulled truck together. The film's most memorable visual spectacle, of a man getting sucked into a pool of quicksand

In economic, probably some based on hunting Tibeten antelope.Poachers were rich in lifestyles. In negative side, some people do corrupt to gain more income. Economic was not too strong from my view, for example not enough people and lack of infrastructure effect economic growth. Lack of infrastructure, for example the petrol station and hospital were too far.

The film had a profound impact in China in bringing attention the region and from extinct endangered species.