Brunei Environment Appreciation And Community Action (BEACA)

Done by Asri Hj Mohamad

Monday, November 16, 2009

Exciting Trip To Temburong District week 14

On Sunday 15th November 2009, probably our last activity for BEACA our first semester. Our activity for BEACA's group were trip to Temburong District. My position as bin manager and with my partner Hafiz. Our job were bringing plastic bag and makesure along our journey we must keep clean and took rubbish if we saw it. Early in the morning, we were waiting speedboat at Kianggeh jetty. We have problem for waiting about half an hour to depart from jetty. Some problems misunderstanding about our booked speedboat. What I learnt, management must be well organised before our trip. We only use one speedboat from Bandar Seri Begawan to the route Temburong District. From my view, along the way I saw a beautiful scenery environment for example mangrove trees and birds watch.

Our trip to Temburong disrticts were arranged by people from Temburong Disrtrict. I only know one of the guide name was Cecelia binti Yusof. So they all arranged our trip and pick us from Bangar Town to Ulu Temburong and visit to Longhouse at Kampung Sumbiling. First at Bangar Town, I want to share some of my exprienced. Dr Asmah treat us breakfast with 'Roti Kosong' and Tea. Thank you to Doctor Asmah. I learnt how to be patient. I can see that a long may way to restaurant I saw some new infrastructure. I remember maybe I heard from a news about couple of years regarding planning to build bridge to connect to Temburong District. What I think that, we can invest some of our money to built bridge and will collect money by tolls. I know they will took more capital to start. But I think probably we gain some profits. People, relatives and tourism easily can come to Temburong District. This is my great expedition that more memorable.

"Temburong is the eastern-most district in Brunei as it is seperated from the rest of brunei by Malaysia and Brunei Bay. Its main town is Pekan Bangar. It has a population of 9,160 and covers 1,166km sq"

REF: on 15/11/2009)

Taken By Hj Irwan BEACA

Trip to Ulu Temburong were using longboat called 'temuai' to go to Canopy Walk. Before that we need to stop at one place where we must sign for insurance and attendance. From there I saw plants were banana trees, yam and 'simpur'. I also saw tourism at that place and souveniors. This will improve our economic growth. Our trip were countinued to canopy walk by longboat.

The challenging part for us is the Canopy Walk. Along the way I saw a clear crystal river water flow and clean area that conserve by Department Of Forestry workers.
I also seen that the park infrastructure still under renovation. So I believe there are improvement on eco tourism for our country. Along the way of the canopy walk, we need to face crossing a muddy and a giddying climb up the stairs with need a lot of efforts. Although I felt fatigue after along walk but my spirit is still strong to reach the top. I know my weakness I afraid of height. I doubt my self that i can't climbed the canopy but under the supervison by Dr Asmah, to challenge my fear and build up my inner strength and so I managed to climb. The view at the canopy was beyond what i have imagine such wonderful and so magnificent. No wonder that Brunei Darussalam is unexpected treasure. After the Canopy Walk, we had a rest and enjoy ourself at the cold and beautiful waterfall. After that, we move to visit to the longhouse at Kg.Sumbling.

At the longhouse, probably all of long house family were welcome us. we explore inside the longhouse and we can see a unique cultural. from my view all the people were friendly and i can sense their hospitality towards us. We can build our interpersonal relationship with people at the Long House. I also play Carrom with the peolple. I know not easy to make relationshiip between people. I also observed that the long house recieved an basics need for example water supply and electricity. They also show us their handicraft skills for example mats and baskets. From my view and evaluate, this can help to increase their extra income and gradually develop our country economic, if this product exposed to the public and tourists. For our extra trip, we enjoy ourself at Bangar market and enjoy eating durians that treat by Doctor Asmah.

The three most important things that I learnt are:-
  1. Love, Know and Learn more our beautiful and unique cultural.
  2. Protect and conserve our environment.
  3. Eco tourism in Brunei Darussalam is one of major tourist attraction that need to develop. Eco system is called the "Heart Of Brunei"


We enjoy. We gain experience and learnt something new in our life.

I really miss all my beloved friends. We like one family. Your laughss, Your smiles, Your helps, Your humours, Your Team work…All I will remember. This will keep in my heart and I write to my dairy of life history. We capsized from pontoon boat, we lost in the jungle, we fight for our fear, we makes few mistakes, I know we gain experienced that very useful for future bahaviour. Don’t evaluate it just in negative ways but think also in positive ways. My friends, we don’t know what will happen in the future, we probably can’t predict but we can prevent from our environment extinct. Thank You also to Dr Irene and Dr Asmah. You teach me how to be confident, teach me how to fight from my fear and teach me how to fight challenge with positive think in the future. I will show my ability and initiative to help people and appreciate our environment. Doctors, your sincerity, I will remember forever. My big present to you doctors and my friends BEACA, I will pray for your successful for your future.

B - Beaca
E - Enjoy
A - Activity
C - Collabration
A - Adventure

Monday, November 2, 2009


On Friday,30th October 2009, a very interesting activity for our BEACA's group were sailing from Serasa beach. After previous week we went for jungle trekking so we do sailing that I thought it more relax than jungle trekking. I really excited to hear a news for or BEACA's group activity. This is my first time using yatch although before I do fishing using boat but it different. Our journey were sailing to Pulau Pelumpung (man made Island) and Pulau Muara Besar. As usual purpose of our activity to get know more experience about our beautiful country with has a lot of unique flora and fauna spesies. Our highlight for this activity to gain more knowledge that different from before and also appreciate do our community work for BRUNEI DARUSSALAM ABODE OF PEACE.

"Sailing is the art of controlling a boat with large (usually fabric) foils called sails. By changing the rigging, rudder, and sometimes the keel or centre board, a sailor manages the force of the wind on the sails in order to change the direction and speed of a boat. Mastery of the skill requires experience in varying wind and sea conditions, as well as knowledge concerning sailboats" themselves.

REF: (Surf on 01st November 2009)

Our sailing organize or guide by captain Peter and his wife, Aideen Henry. Sailing for beginners the first time can be exciting and a little foreboding at the same time. Before we went to our sailing boat name SV Jenny, we used pontoon boat with can occupied 10 passengers said captain Peter. So, myself in the first group to go to our Sailing boat. In the first group consists of Dr Asmah, Hj Irwan, myself , Nuh, Hafizah, Dyana, Nazz, Hjh Keem, Aideen Henry and captain Peter. I already thought that our pontoon boat was oveloaded. Unfortunately, while on the way to sailing boat probably about a few metre from shore our pontoon boat capsized. I really unexpected about this tragedy. All of us try to save our life. I think in that situation, I also felt panic for several seconds and don't know what to do. I do my best floating my body and I managed to do that. So, I saw life jacket was floating and I try to take it but my friend also want to grab that life jacket, so my friend(Nuh) and I fight for life jacket. It was so funny when I remembered it. I know everyone want to save their life. After that, I checked whether all my friend were safe and thanks God I saw all of my friend were safe. Probably all of electronic stuff were damaged for example handphone, video handycam and camera. All these things were not matter, the important things we all were survive from pontoon boat capsized. This is my first time experience that I never forget. I learnt many experience after pontoon capsized. Three important things were:

  1. Be ready for everything and don't be panic.
  2. Life jacket need to be used in the boat for safety precaution.
  3. Makesure put all electronic stuff in a plastic bag.
After the incident, we still need to our sailing activity. We went for sailing using SV Jenny but I felt not very challenging because our yacht was using engine. On the yacht, Aideen Henry give briefieng to us about sailing. I know if sailing we must used our skill to manage yacht by force of the wind but on that day, the wind not strong enough that why I can't feel real sailing. Anyway, I learn something useful on the yacht. I learnt how to read navigator(using GPS) and compass. SV Jenny only can sail on depth of water 2.6 metre. I learnt how to check location where we can sail by using navigator name 'sea map' software. We must know the direction of compass. (North, East, South, West). 'Sea map' software can told us our direction, lattitude, magnitude, force of wind, scale, map and many others useful system. I learnt this because I need to be ready in future if anything happened I hope I can manage or drive sailing boat. Captain Peter teach me how to measure speed of wind by using manual instrument.

In terms of business and economic, I saw people were doing fish farm near Pulau Pelumpung, Muara. Nowadays, fish was high in demand for Bruneian. I think government or non government sector need to be alert to help people or give opportunity who want to do fish farm. This can help to decrease unemployment in Brunei Darussalam. I wonder also why probably no Bruneian doing business on sailing however just foreigner do sailing. I hope one day, it will be manage by Brunei people. This also can develop our economic growth. I also saw Muara port, I saw that infrastructure but I think we need to upgrade Muara port propose for Central Business Area. For example the Port of Singapore is the busiest in the world, surpassing Rotterdam and Hongkong. In addition, Singapore's port infrastructure and skilled workforce, which is due to the success of the country's economic. In the future, probably this will also help to improve our econmic growth.

While along the way on Sailing, Aideen Henry give us explaination about part of sailboat. Bow - the front of the boat, Chock - a guide for an anchor, mooring or docking line, attached to the deck, Rigging - the standing rigging is the mast and support lines, running rigging is the lines with which you adjust the sails, Winch - a metal drum shaped device used to assist in trimming sails, Stern - the back of the boat, Anchor - An object designed to grip the ground, under a body of water, to hold the boat in a selected area. We also learnt how to tied the rope. There are two names of the rope which are the 'King of Knots' and Square Knot. Aideen even asked us to play this game.

We also landed at the Pelumpong Beach, we were given chance to enjoy the scenery ourselves. and take a rest. I took this opportunity to look around the place and I saw that rubbish was just left on the ground. I just wonder, why no one seems to even bother to clean that place. Dr Irene and I took some of the rubbish. I think that place as a potential tourist attraction for recreational activities such as picnicking and diving.

Three most important thing I have learnt:-

  1. Always stay calm in expect or unexpected situation.
  2. Awalys confident with ourselves.
  3. Appreciate our environment.
In my conclusion, this trip was successful although some of our members included myself were face unexpected incident capsized while using pantoon boat on our way to sailboat. But we learnt experience from that. I also suprised I saw beautiful island and beautiful fauna(e.g fish and birds). I also learnt how to pilot sailboat. We were enjoy our trip although we were tired.

"I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait till oil and coal run out before we tackle that." - Thomas Edison